English is not my mother tongue, this page may contain incorrect words or sentences.
urriellu.net => Articles => Other => Letters and other characters most used in each language
All the stats are generated from two kind of sources: some random articles published at Wikipedia and the entire book 1984 from George Orwell. Doing this we ensure that all the texts are representative of each language, avoid orthography mistakes and the amount of characters used is high enough for generating trustworthy statistics.
For generating those stats the application CharStat was used.
1.069.650 characters retrieved from random articles, excluding tables, indexes, menus and others chars that didn't belong to paragraphs:
whitespace (15.65%), e (9.11%), t (6.56%), a (6.36%), i (5.98%), o (5.75%), n (5.62%), s (5.16%), r (4.85%), l (3.32%), h (3.26%), d (2.91%), c (2.68%), u (2.16%), m (1.92%), f (1.61%), p (1.54%), g (1.43%), y (1.13%), w (0.99%), b (0.98%), , (0.89%), . (0.79%), v (0.75%), line break (0.59%), 1 (0.36%), k (0.35%), 0 (0.32%), T (0.31%), A (0.31%), S (0.31%), [ (0.24%), ] (0.24%), C (0.23%), 2 (0.22%), 9 (0.20%), P (0.20%), x (0.20%), M (0.20%), B (0.19%), I (0.19%), - (0.16%), ) (0.15%), ( (0.15%), D (0.14%), 3 (0.14%), W (0.13%), 5 (0.13%), 4 (0.12%), 8 (0.12%), z (0.12%), R (0.11%), " (0.11%), E (0.11%), 6 (0.10%), 7 (0.10%), H (0.10%), F (0.10%), ' (0.09%), q (0.09%), N (0.09%), O (0.08%), L (0.08%), U (0.08%), j (0.07%), G (0.07%), horizontal tabulator (0.07%), * (0.05%), J (0.05%), K (0.04%), : (0.04%), ; (0.03%), % (0.03%), V (0.03%), X (0.02%), — (0.02%), / (0.02%), í (0.02%), – (0.02%), Y (0.01%), Q (0.01%), Z (0.01%), ° (0.01%), ł (0.01%), + (0.01%), $ (0.01%), £ (0.01%), ó (0.00%), ’ (0.00%), ² (0.00%), & (0.00%), ” (0.00%), “ (0.00%), _ (0.00%), · (0.00%), é (0.00%), á (0.00%), = (0.00%), а (0.00%), ? (0.00%)
George Orwell's 1984
627.612 characters:
whitespace (22.65%), e (9.45%), t (6.74%), a (5.70%), o (5.49%), n (5.04%), i (4.84%), s (4.53%), h (4.51%), r (4.15%), d (3.00%), l (2.94%), u (2.06%), c (1.81%), w (1.80%), m (1.68%), f (1.59%), g (1.45%), y (1.45%), p (1.30%), b (1.10%), . (0.97%), v (0.68%), k (0.57%), ' (0.48%), line break (0.30%), T (0.27%), I (0.24%), W (0.16%), H (0.15%), x (0.13%), B (0.12%), A (0.12%), O (0.09%), horizontal tabulator (0.08%), P (0.08%), S (0.08%), q (0.06%), ? (0.06%), 1 (0.06%), Y (0.05%), E (0.05%), j (0.05%), N (0.05%), z (0.05%), C (0.05%), M (0.04%), ! (0.04%), 9 (0.04%), 4 (0.04%), 8 (0.04%), : (0.04%), F (0.03%), * (0.03%), ; (0.03%), D (0.03%), R (0.02%), J (0.02%), L (0.02%), G (0.02%), " (0.02%), 0 (0.01%), X (0.01%), 2 (0.01%), 3 (0.01%), ) (0.01%), ( (0.01%), U (0.01%), V (0.01%), 5 (0.01%), 6 (0.01%), 7 (0.01%), K (0%), / (0%), Q (0%), + (0%), = (0%), Z (0%), ^ (0%)
463.801 letters (uppercase and lowercase):
E (12.86%), T (9.48%), A (7.88%), O (7.55%), N (6.88%), I (6.88%), H (6.31%), S (6.24%), R (5.64%), D (4.10%), L (4.01%), U (2.80%), W (2.65%), C (2.52%), M (2.33%), F (2.19%), Y (2.03%), G (1.99%), P (1.87%), B (1.65%), V (0.93%), K (0.78%), X (0.18%), J (0.10%), Q (0.09%), Z (0.07%)
1.221.688 characters retrieved from random articles, excluding tables, indexes, menus and others chars that didn't belong to paragraphs:
whitespace (15.86%), e (9.71%), a (9.13%), o (6.51%), s (5.70%), n (5.59%), i (5.32%), r (5.09%), l (4.52%), d (4.00%), t (3.67%), c (3.33%), u (2.95%), m (2.00%), p (1.89%), g (0.95%), b (0.94%), . (0.94%), v (0.64%), y (0.64%), . (0.62%), ó (0.62%), line break (0.59%), f (0.57%), h (0.51%), q (0.50%), í (0.45%), E (0.29%), z (0.29%), á (0.25%), j (0.25%), 1 (0.24%), C (0.24%), A (0.22%), é (0.22%), L (0.19%), 0 (0.18%), S (0.16%), M (0.15%), ( (0.15%), ) (0.15%), P (0.14%), I (0.14%), 2 (0.13%), x (0.12%), [ (0.12%), ] (0.12%), 9 (0.12%), ñ (0.11%), T (0.11%), R (0.10%), ú (0.10%), B (0.10%), D (0.09%), k (0.09%), 6 (0.08%), 5 (0.08%), 8 (0.08%), G (0.08%), " (0.08%), 3 (0.08%), - (0.08%), : (0.07%), 7 (0.07%), 4 (0.07%), J (0.07%), N (0.06%), V (0.06%), F (0.06%), H (0.06%), U (0.04%), O (0.04%), * (0.04%), w (0.04%), ; (0.03%), X (0.03%), « (0.03%), » (0.03%), ' (0.02%), K (0.02%), W (0.02%), horizontal tabulator (0.01%), Z (0.01%), Y (0.01%), — (0.01%), % (0.01%), / (0.01%), ? (0.01%), – (0.01%), Á (0.00%), º (0.00%), Q (0.00%), ’ (0.00%), ‘ (0.00%), | (0.00%), ¿ (0.00%), ü (0.00%), “ (0.00%), ” (0.00%), É (0.00%), ç (0.00%), … (0.00%), ° (0.00%), ο (0.00%), α (0.00%), Í (0.00%), ! (0.00%), + (0.00%), = (0.00%), & (0.00%), ρ (0.00%), ¡ (0.00%), ã (0.00%), ν (0.00%), ι (0.00%), Ó (0.00%), ς (0.00%), ` (0.00%), â (0.00%), σ (0.00%), ² (0.00%), Ú (0.00%), õ (0.00%), υ (0.00%), × (0.00%), # (0.00%), μ (0.00%), ά (0.00%), è (0.00%), > (0.00%)
968.731 letters (uppercase and lowercase):
E (12.62%), A (11.80%), O (8.26%), S (7.39%), N (7.13%), I (6.89%), R (6.56%), L (5.94%), D (5.16%), T (4.76%), C (4.50%), U (3.78%), M (2.72%), P (2.57%), B (1.31%), G (1.30%), V (0.89%), Y (0.82%), F (0.79%), Ó (0.78%), H (0.71%), Q (0.63%), Í (0.56%), J (0.40%), Z (0.38%), Á (0.33%), É (0.28%), X (0.19%), Ñ (0.14%), K (0.14%), Ú (0.12%), W (0.07%), Ü (0.00%), Σ (0.00%), Ç (0.00%), Α (0.00%), Ο (0.00%), Ι (0.00%), Ρ (0.00%), Ã (0.00%), Ν (0.00%), Â (0.00%), Õ (0.00%), Υ (0.00%), Μ (0.00%), Ά (0.00%), È (0.00%), Ω (0.00%), Β (0.00%), À (0.00%), Ε (0.00%), Ø (0.00%), Ò (0.00%), Ł (0.00%), Λ (0.00%), Κ (0.00%), Τ (0.00%), Π (0.00%), Χ (0.00%), Γ (0.00%), Φ (0.00%), Δ (0.00%)
George Orwell's 1984
598.823 characters:
whitespace (15.57%), e (9.85%), a (9.83%), o (7.03%), s (5.73%), n (5.64%), r (5.30%), i (4.54%), l (4.33%), d (3.77%), t (3.49%), u (3.30%), c (2.97%), m (2.05%), p (1.90%), b (1.49%), . (1.09%), , (0.90%), q (0.81%), g (0.81%), h (0.80%), v (0.77%), line break (0.69%), y (0.58%), ³ (0.53%), f (0.46%), j (0.34%), z (0.32%), ¡ (0.29%), © (0.23%), €” (0.22%), E (0.22%), P (0.18%), L (0.15%), S (0.14%), W (0.13%), A (0.12%), O (0.11%), ± (0.11%), x (0.11%), N (0.09%), C (0.08%), º (0.08%), 1 (0.07%), T (0.06%), D (0.06%), G (0.06%), ? (0.06%), ¿ (0.06%), H (0.06%), 9 (0.05%), B (0.05%), M (0.05%), 4 (0.05%), 8 (0.05%), ; (0.04%), I (0.04%), : (0.04%), Y (0.04%), w (0.04%), « (0.04%), » (0.04%), ¡ (0.04%), ! (0.03%), ' (0.03%), J (0.03%), U (0.03%), R (0.02%), V (0.02%), Q (0.02%), 2 (0.01%), 0 (0.01%), F (0.01%), ( (0.01%), 3 (0.01%), ) (0.01%), 5 (0.01%), 7 (0.01%), 6 (0.01%), - (0.01%), ‰ (0.01%), X (0.01%), k (0.01%), ¼ (0%), K (0%), Z (0%), š (0%), ® (0%), + (0%), = (0%), ] (0%), “ (0%)
480.135 letters (uppercase and lowercase):
E (12.57%), A (12.41%), O (8.92%), S (7.32%), N (7.15%), R (6.63%), I (5.71%), L (5.59%), D (4.77%), T (4.44%), U (4.15%), C (3.81%), M (2.61%), P (2.59%), B (1.91%), G (1.09%), H (1.07%), Q (1.04%), V (0.98%), Y (0.77%), F (0.59%), J (0.47%), Z (0.41%), W (0.21%), X (0.15%), K (0.01%)

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