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urriellu.net => Events => Microbotics championship at the University of Oviedo. Summer 2007

This is the robotics championship organized by the University of Oviedo on summer 2007 as part of a summer course for engineering students. We assembled a prebuilt robot and we developed its program/firmware in C language. You can see all the information and source code of my robot: Tustra.

Championship rules

championship rules
  • Target: Leave the playground by a door painted on the floor
  • Playground: Black circle, 80cm (31.5") diameter, surrounded by a 5cm (1.96") line
  • Door edges are 3cm (1.18") thick lines placed at 25cm (9.84") one from each other. The robot should stop when hitting one of the vertical cylinders placed in front of the door.
  • Getting out by the edges is valid but less valuable than crossing the door straightly
  • Main mode -> single-elimination tournament:
    • Two contestants will place their robots at a random place. The round ends when one of them leaves the playground by the door
    • If after three minutes none of the robots were able to leave the playground the round will be null
    • If a robot leaves by the edges, the other one will have available the whole round time (3 minutes) for leaving by the door, in that case being the winner
    • If a robot leaves by the door but is not capable of detecting the stop vertical cylinders, the other one will be able to try it and win
    • By this way one robot at a time will be eliminated until there is just one standing robot, which will be the winner of the competition



some contestants and teachersTustratestingUrriellu workingSetting-up the playgroundSetting-up the playgroundSetting-up the playgroundSetting-up the playgroundcontestantsteachersplayingplayingplayingplayingplayingsome contestants, teachers and robots 



These are ALL the championship videos, recorded by Miguel Ángel José Prieto.


Qualifying Round


pepin versus punky
Winner: punky


    timi versus pinpon


      Talking about who's the winner, timi or pinpon


        timi versus pinpon again
        Winner: pinpon



          gurú versus tustra
          Winner: tustra

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            pinpon versus stinky
            Winner: pinpon

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              homer versus punky
              Winner: punky

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                meneos versus X
                Winner: meneos


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                  pinpon versus tustra
                  Winner: tustra
                  We found some problems with reflective sensors, maybe because there was too much ambient light and they weren't isolated, so tustra was pushed into the playground a bunch of times.

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                    punky versus meneos
                    Winner: punky


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                      tustra versus punky
                      First round

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                        tustra versus punky
                        Second round

                          VIDEO NOT FOUND

                          tustra versus punky
                          Third round. Winner: punky

                            After the championship

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                            pinpon versus meneos for the third place

                              VIDEO NOT FOUND

                              pinpon versus punky, just for fun

                                VIDEO NOT FOUND

                                all versus all