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urriellu.net => Projects => Mechatronics
Small projects [2/5]
Tustra 2007-Aug-1
Microbot made using prebuilt PCBs (ifara skybot), modified servomotors, reflectivity sensors and bumpers, for competition (get out of a circle through a door painted on the floor), based on a PIC16F876A and application written in C language for CCS PICC
ProjectsElectronicsCLK³pic³progMechatronicsSoftwarePigmeoOthermabxArticlesElectronicsSoftwareOtherAdvantages of C#Events2nd (inter)Universitary Free Software ContestMicrobotics championship at the University of Oviedo. Summer 2007About urriellu.netThis websiteAbout mePublishing licensesContact
languageespañolrot13morse codebrailleenglishrot13morse codebraille