English is not my mother tongue, this page may contain incorrect words or sentences.
urriellu.net => Main page
urriellu.net is the old personal website of Urriellu.
Here I publish my projects, articles, personal information, and championships, workshops, contests and talks in which I participate or organize.
Outstanding projects
Pigmeo 2008-May-17
Pigmeo aims to provide a set of compiler, framework and utilities for developing applications for microcontrollers and embedded systems. Those apps for microcontrollers can be written in any .NET language such as C#, Visual Basic .NET, Nemerle, IronPython, C++/CLI... and use any class available in the .NET Framework, plus the classes available in the Pigmeo Framework.
pic³prog 2007-Aug-5
PIC and dsPIC programmer. It's connected to the PC by the parallel port and can be used from any operating system. Includes sockets for programming any Microchip microcontroller within a PDIP package, and ICSP cable so you can program it without being removed from the circuit where it is placed.
CLK³ 2007-Aug-3
Binary (BCD) alarm clock. Circuit based on a PIC microcontroller and application written in assembly language. Homemade aluminium box (including CAD schematics). Time and alarm are set using four switches and shown by 20 LEDs.
Latest projects
Pigmeo 2008-May-17
Pigmeo aims to provide a set of compiler, framework and utilities for developing applications for microcontrollers and embedded systems. Those apps for microcontrollers can be written in any .NET language such as C#, Visual Basic .NET, Nemerle, IronPython, C++/CLI... and use any class available in the .NET Framework, plus the classes available in the Pigmeo Framework.
picdub18 2007-Dec-26
Development board without integrated peripherals for 8-bit PIC in PDIP-18 sockets, ready for being programmed externally by ICSP
mabx 2007-Nov-25
Computer completely assembled within a metallic briefcase, designed to be carried easily without needing a notebook
UVRC 2007-Aug-6
Voltage regulator used for plugging an mp3 player which doesn't allow external power to the 12V plug of a car.
pic³prog 2007-Aug-5
PIC and dsPIC programmer. It's connected to the PC by the parallel port and can be used from any operating system. Includes sockets for programming any Microchip microcontroller within a PDIP package, and ICSP cable so you can program it without being removed from the circuit where it is placed.
Latest articles
Latest events
2nd (inter)Universitary Free Software Contest 2008-May-10
Talks about the finalists of the 2nd Interuniversitary Free Software Contest (including my project Pigmeo), prize giving and some talks related to free software. May 8th and 9th at the University of Seville (Spain)
Microbotics championship at the University of Oviedo. Summer 2007 2007-Aug-1
Microbotics championship organized by the Univeristy of Oviedo as part of a summer course. My robot Tustra participated in it.

ProjectsElectronicsCLK³pic³progMechatronicsSoftwarePigmeoOthermabxArticlesElectronicsSoftwareOtherAdvantages of C#Events2nd (inter)Universitary Free Software ContestMicrobotics championship at the University of Oviedo. Summer 2007About urriellu.netThis websiteAbout mePublishing licensesContact
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