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urriellu.net => Projects => Software

Outstanding projects [5/5]

PigmeoPigmeo          2008-May-17
Pigmeo aims to provide a set of compiler, framework and utilities for developing applications for microcontrollers and embedded systems. Those apps for microcontrollers can be written in any .NET language such as C#, Visual Basic .NET, Nemerle, IronPython, C++/CLI... and use any class available in the .NET Framework, plus the classes available in the Pigmeo Framework.


Small projects [2/5]

CharStatCharStat          2007-Aug-2
Generates statistics about the amount and percentage of appearances of a number, letter or symbol in a text. Written in C# for WinForms, and works on Windows and on any system where Mono is installed.


LocalBackuperLocalBackuper          2007-Aug-2
Application for Linux (should work in other flavors of Unix) written in C# and executed on mono which makes backups in an encrypted external hard drive