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urriellu.net => Events => 2nd (inter)Universitary Free Software Contest

The CUSL (Universitary Free Software Contest, Concurso Universitario de Software Libre in Spanish) is a competition which takes place once a year since 2007 in the University of Seville and pretends to increase free software use and development between college students from the whole country. Participants must develop any kind of software program, game or library and publish it as free software.

95 projects participated in the 2nd CUSL (year 2008), six of them passed to the final phase: Minirok, Psychosynth, XMLEye, zenphp, R4P and my project: Pigmeo.

All the pictures shown here were taken by Ana Rey and Alberto Barrionuevo.



Author: Adrián Bulnes [Urriellu] (me).

Pigmeo is a CIL compiler (.NET Intermediate Language) plus a bunch of libraries which allows faster and easier development of software applications for microcontrollers. It won the second prize of the "Best Innovating Project" category.

Urriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about PigmeoUrriellu talking about Pigmeo 



Author: Adeodato Simó [Dato].

Minirok is a music player for KDE inspired by Amarok. It won the first prize of the "Best Community Project" category.

Dato talking about MinirokDato talking about MinirokDato talking about MinirokDato talking about MinirokDato talking about MinirokDato talking about MinirokDato talking about MinirokDato talking about Minirok 



Author: Juan Pedro Bolívar Puente.

Psychosynth is an interactive software synthesizer inspired by Reactable with 3D interface. It won the "Morfeo Community Prize".

Juan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about PsychosynthJuan Pedro talking about Psychosynth 



Author: Antonio García Domínguez.

XMLEye is a generic XML-based data-driven pipelined document viewer. It won the first prize of the "Best Educative Project" category.

Antonio talking about XMLEyeAntonio talking about XMLEyeAntonio talking about XMLEyeAntonio talking about XMLEyeAntonio talking about XMLEyeAntonio talking about XMLEyeAntonio talking about XMLEye 



Authors: Luis A. Pérez García and Luis I. Díaz del Dedo.

R4P is a four-legged robot based on Arduino. It won the first prize of the "Best Innovating Project" category.




Author: Juan Belón Pérez.

PHP framework for application development. It won the second prize of the "Best Community Project" category.

Juan Belón talking about zenphpJuan Belón talking about zenphpJuan Belón talking about zenphpJuan Belón talking about zenphpJuan Belón talking about zenphp 


Other talks

  • Alberto Barrionuevo: "Electronic administration and open standards: Two citizenship rights".
  • Pro Evolution Chapping
  • Free Software round table
  • Juan Conde and Alfonso de Cala - "Free software and open standars: strategy and action by the Junta de Andalucía"
  • Andrés Leonardo Martínez - Morfeo Project
  • Juan Lago Cabrera and Jose Luis de la Rosa Triviño - IAVANTE
  • Paul Brown - Linux Magazine - "How not to give a tech talk"
  • Pascal Chevrel - Mozilla Foundation - "Management of an open source software project"
  • CUSL local prizes

Alberto BarrionuevoPro Evolution ChappingFree software round tableFree software and open standars: strategy and action by the Junta de AndalucíaAndrés Leonardo MartínezIAVANTEPaul BrownPascal ChevrelCUSL local prizesCUSL local prizes 


Prize-giving ceremony

Pro Evolution ChappingPro Evolution ChappingPro Evolution ChappingPro Evolution ChappingPro Evolution ChappingPro Evolution ChappingPro Evolution ChappingMinirokMinirokMinirokMinirokMinirokMinirokPigmeoPigmeoPigmeoPigmeoPsychosynthPsychosynthPsychosynthPsychosynthPsychosynthPsychosynthPsychosynthPsychosynthR4PR4PR4PR4PR4PR4PXMLEyeXMLEyeXMLEyeXMLEyeXMLEyeXMLEyezenphpzenphpzenphpzenphpzenphpzenphp 


Group pictures

2nd Universitary Free Software Contest organizers, talkers and participants2nd Universitary Free Software Contest organizers, talkers and participants2nd Universitary Free Software Contest organizers, talkers and participants2nd Universitary Free Software Contest organizers, talkers and participants2nd Universitary Free Software Contest finalists2nd Universitary Free Software Contest finalists2nd Universitary Free Software Contest finalists2nd Universitary Free Software Contest finalists2nd Universitary Free Software Contest finalists 


Visit to the Alcázar of Seville

Alcázar of SevilleAlcázar of Seville 



Taking dinnerTaking dinnerTaking dinnerTaking dinnerTaking dinnerTaking dinner. Antonio, Wikier, UrrielluTaking dinner. Dato, Juan PedroTaking dinner. Wikier, Urriellu, Juan Lago, Dato, Juan Antonio 


Other pictures

SpectatorsSpectatorsUrriellu, Dato, Antonio, Wikier